Branding: It’s More Than Just Your Logo

Understanding that your brand is not just your logo, but the full spectrum of the experience with your company and its product or service offering, is the first and most important step in the process of building a good brand. This means that anything and everything that interacts with both the internal and external stakeholders should be considered part of your brand, from your company name, your logo, and any visual representation, to phone and personal interaction with you and anyone who represents you, as well as the quality of your product or service, your online activities and how you engage with your audience and other stakeholders, and yes, even how you drive if your vehicle shows your company name. And the list doesn’t stop there!

You only get one chance to make a first impression… taking steps to ensure that it’s a good impression, on all fronts, will help your brand, and your company establish itself. We specialize in

  • Strategic brand development for start-ups
  • Brand mentoring for existing companies
  • Rebranding for existing companies

From the logo and visual representation through how and where your company appears, our goal is to help you find the most cost-effective and productive ways to build your brand and engage with your audience.

Speaking of logos and visual representation, it’s critical to understand the vast difference between graphic design and visual communication. A graphic designer can design something that is visually appealing, but does it convey the desired message?

  • Does the image or design speak to what your product or service offering is about?
  • Does it engage your target audience and compel them to want to buy or do business with you?

If not, you are basically doing the equivalent of tossing spaghetti against the wall and hoping something sticks, and quite probably wasting your hard earned money. In this age of sensory overload and data bombing, you have about the blink of an eye to capture someone’s interest. If they “don’t get it” in that brief moment they will most likely not waste their time asking and you’ve lost the opportunity to engage. A solid branding strategy will encompass all aspects of your brand so your target audience isn’t left guessing, and will ultimately achieve the most bang for your marketing buck.

Give us a call or send an email. We can help!